
  • 我們用愛來灌溉每一顆被需要的心田,讓生命的種子得以成長茁壯。
    Love nourishes our hearts. Our lives gain protection and strength to persist themselves because of love.
  • 我們相信因為有愛,在彼此生命交會處產生的光與熱將溫暖與療癒所有受傷的靈魂。
    We deeply believe that the warmth of love can heal our wounded souls.
  • 因為有愛,我們相濡以沫,將使彼此生命的寬度更展延。
    It is love that made us eager to help each other, which extends our meaning of life.
  • 祈願所有的父母不再傷心,祈願所有的孩子不再自傷。
    We wish all parents will never be heart-broken and all children will not hurt themselves.
  • 我們期待:用愛牧養生命,用愛滋潤心靈,用愛發展生命的新世紀。
    We hope that our love can nourish every life, moisten every soul, and establish a new era of human lives.
  • 我們用愛來守護每個受傷的靈魂,在彼此生命交會產生光與熱。
    We use love to protect each wounded soul and to give happiness and warmth to every life.